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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Bazaar Thoughts

Bazaar question by Isaac.
Isaac asked me the other night, "Do you love my armpit?" Laughing I said, "Yes, I love your armpit." He then questioned if I loved both armpits. : ) Love his heart...who knows what brings such questions to his mind.
What are your favorite questions, thoughts, etc. by your children?


Recital - by J. Hillard

I remember the light’s glare off of the white keys.
What were they called?
I could not remember.
A, B, C.
Oh, which one is A?
My mind reeling and the back of my head burning from the stares.
Sweat forming on the palms of my hands.
Black splotches on my book.
What were they called?
Where do my fingers go?
How did I get myself into this?
My cheeks were burning.
A gentle, guiding voice.
Sigh, please help.
Warm hands on my own.
Gentle, guiding hands.
Feigned, uncomfortable, and relieved applause.
A dark room.
A chair in the corner.
My Dad’s smile.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Sauce - by J. Hillard

Red velvety tomato sauce.
Nana stands over the stove and stirs.
I stand on a stool and watch every move,
Inhaling the delicious aroma.
I hear meatballs sizzling in a nearby pot.
Mmmm, the garlic’s scent is invading my nose.
Soon they will meet the sauce on my plate.
Nana smiles down at me, knowing what I want.
A taste, just a tease before her meal is done.
She ladles sauce into a tiny bowl.
I reach for Aunt Martha’s homemade bread to use as my spoon.
A match made in heaven.
Red velvety tomato sauce.
Nana’s sauce.

Monday, February 6, 2012

How my babies spoil me....let me count the ways...

Before school today my 3 little monkeys gave me my birthday gifts from them...it is always a treat. Josh is wonderful...he lets them all come up with their own idea and does his best to fulfill their wish for a gift for Mommy. My day started with a gorilla on the front of a card that read "thinking of you" on the inside and was signed by my boys...including my biggest boy...Daddy. :-) Reecey was first to give me his gift, it was a 'spray box'  (Reece lingo for body spray) in one of my all-time favorite scents. Noah was next and asked me thoughtfully, "Do you like birds?". I had no idea what to expect, but it was a notebook (with a bird on the cover) for me to journal my writing germs. Finally, Isaac gave me a turtle hand puppet. Although I think he liked it a little too much and showed a little regret as he gave me my gift. I took it to work today and used it with my special education music classes, they loved "Turbo" as he was named by my fellas.
Original, thoughtful gifts and a morning full of memories. What more can a Mommy ask for?!?

Friday, February 3, 2012

Birthday Shopping.....Woohoo!

I am so excited to go shopping at the AT Loft tomorrow with my Mom. I have not been to the loft in about 2 years.....sigh! It used to be a weekly stop before children and Altoona. Although we will drive 45 minutes to get there it is SO worth the travel. No need to worry about winter weather either...my hydrangea bushes in the yard are staring to show buds. Jeesh, Punxutawney Phil are you sure you saw your shadow?!?!?! Anyway...."Happy Birthday shopping to me....Happy Birthday shopping to me....Happy Birthday shopping to meeeee....Happy shopping to me! " (Did you sing along?) :-)