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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Snowy Day

What a great snowy day! It is beautiful to watch it come down and pile up. Realizing I am not the one to clean up the snow it does not make me grumpy. I am sure my husband sees it and cringes. Someday our little fellas will be old enough to really help with that chore, but for now I am content to sit back and enjoy the wintery wonderland outside. I am sitting here typing while sipping homemade eggnog and looking out my back yard window. Sigh. This is a great way to relax on a Saturday afternoon. I am very thankful for this moment as I know the new year will jump start our family schedule into our typical crazy routine until we unwind in the summer. So for now, cheers: to snow, to eggnog, to fluffy blankets and good books to read as I snuggle on the couch.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Holiday Rush

Woo-wee! I braved the mad holiday shopping rush today with my biggest guy Noah and thankfully we came home in one piece! :-) It was a great learning experience for him as far as running into so many folks asking for donations for their specific causes. We not only saw many Salvation Army kettles and bell ringers, but a fire department was out at one of the large shopping centers in full force. It gave me an opportunity to explain about the season of giving in a new way as my 7 year old was all ears. Then he had the chance to be a giver as he got to give money to one of the charities. It really seemed to make his day. I can only hope he continues to understand and demonstrate generosity as he grows.