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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Snowy Day

What a great snowy day! It is beautiful to watch it come down and pile up. Realizing I am not the one to clean up the snow it does not make me grumpy. I am sure my husband sees it and cringes. Someday our little fellas will be old enough to really help with that chore, but for now I am content to sit back and enjoy the wintery wonderland outside. I am sitting here typing while sipping homemade eggnog and looking out my back yard window. Sigh. This is a great way to relax on a Saturday afternoon. I am very thankful for this moment as I know the new year will jump start our family schedule into our typical crazy routine until we unwind in the summer. So for now, cheers: to snow, to eggnog, to fluffy blankets and good books to read as I snuggle on the couch.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Holiday Rush

Woo-wee! I braved the mad holiday shopping rush today with my biggest guy Noah and thankfully we came home in one piece! :-) It was a great learning experience for him as far as running into so many folks asking for donations for their specific causes. We not only saw many Salvation Army kettles and bell ringers, but a fire department was out at one of the large shopping centers in full force. It gave me an opportunity to explain about the season of giving in a new way as my 7 year old was all ears. Then he had the chance to be a giver as he got to give money to one of the charities. It really seemed to make his day. I can only hope he continues to understand and demonstrate generosity as he grows.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Hustle and Bustle

Well, tomorrow is December 1st and I feel like I am not really ready for Christmas. I have not felt so far behind with my holiday shopping. Ever. As my kiddos are growing up it is seemingly more difficult to know what to really buy them. I feel like Santa brings them what they want, then after one or two rounds of playing that toy is history. They really collect more dust than anything unless I am rearranging their location, giving them more play time than they have seen in weeks. I am certain I am not alone as I am trying to find the perfect gifts to please the family and my wallet. Yet, it still has me a little distraught. I am sincerely hoping that as December arrives in a few hours that the "Christmas Spirit" will magically take over and lift my worries as I get swept up in seasonal festivities.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

I am a very blessed woman! As I sit an reflect on this Thanksgiving and the years that have past I am amazed at the experiences I have had in these 35 years.
I am thankful for a full childhood, and parents that loved me unconditionally. I think as I have a family of my own I can appreciate their love, sacrifices, and service more than ever.
I am thankful for my 'baby' sister and the relationship we have, how it has matured into a terrific friendship.
I am thankful for my husband and our 19 years together (dating and married...we count them all). It is hard to believe I have known and been with him over half my life! What would I do without him???
I am thankful for our children in so many ways. How they have taught me a new kind of love. How they keep me grounded. How they keep me humbled by their gift of love.
I am thankful for friendship and the encouragement it offers when I am in need. 
I could continue my list, but I am content with what I have shared.
I am one thankful woman!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Long Time No See...

Ahh, I have missed my blog! It has been months since I have posted and I need to get back into writing so here I am. It is time for new ideas to flourish and my mind to put them on 'paper'.

I have just spent the last time "Twisting and Shouting" with my intermediate music students and have been so pleasantly surprised at their new found love of Rock 'n Roll. Using the Beatles version of the song "Twist and Shout" they have helped me to rekindle my listening taste-buds to the 'oldies' proving why these classic songs will never die. It is amazing how much music has changed in the past 60 plus years. Some genres have been great discoveries other (in my opinion of course) could be left far behind and I would be a happy camper.

Cheers to you John, Paul, George, and Ringo for enlightening the younger generations for decades with your classic sound and delivery in the spirit of Rock 'n Roll!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Undert the Trees

Under the Trees   by J. Hillard

Tall trees surrounded my house. My childhood home was at the end of a culd-a-sac and engulfed by the forest at the bottom of a mountain. During the lazy, hazy days of summer I would walk through my yard and explore the trees that kept our home cool under their generous canopy.
During one of my morning explorations I remember finding a nest of kittens. I call it a nest because as I remember I heard a mewing from a bush at the base of several trees. While crawling on my knees to discover the source of this pitiful cry I lifted the branches to see several kittens huddled together, their eyes barely open. They laid on a nest of old fall leaves as their noses lifted in the air to smell the intruder.
I should have backed up and late nature take its course, yet I could not. I knew these tiny cries would only continue to the point of haunting me in my sleep. All through grade school I loved to save animals that I found to be in need. Usually it was a bird or a bunny. I would put them in a box filled with towels, water, and food. Doing my best to nurse these creatures back to health. Although I was now a little older, the part of me that wanted to help the helpless had only grown stronger. I knew if I played Mamma to these kittens at least a few of them may survive to become more than a stray field cat.
Would my Dad allow me to keep one? Perhaps even two? I doubted it. He disliked cats, that fact I knew without even having to ask. He never had a pet as a child, and that was fine by him. My decision was made. I would save the kittens, or at least do my best.
A few days had passed and the three surviving kittens from the litter were doing well. I had hid the box for the first day. The muffled mews of the kittens gave away our secret before too long and with delight I was allowed to move the box inside the house for a few days. My parents knew my intentions were good, but my dad dreaded my disappointment if the kittens died. He also dreaded having to tell me I could not keep them if they survived. I had overheard that statement made to my mother one evening after dinner.
Two weeks passed. I was down to two kittens. The smallest one, I had named him Sam, had died at the end of the first week. I cried as I buried him. His brother and sister also cried for him. I just knew it from their sad mews that could be heard through the house for the next few days.
Three weeks passed. Ellie and Jack were growing and becoming very mischievous in their play. Pawing at each other and any willing combatant. I would just laugh at their antics. On the day that marked twenty-five days with my family my Dad told me that we would be taking the kittens to the animal shelter the next morning. I cried and begged for the life of my sweet kittens. He was firm and unbending. I hardly slept that night as I hugged the box protectively. I didn’t care if I was reprimanded, my babies slept in my bed that night.
The next morning there was no sunshine. That was a fitting scene I remember thinking as I looked out my bedroom window. My Dad gave me a hug as I walked Ellie and Jack to the car all bundled up in their cozy box. The drive to the animal shelter seemed endless, although it was probably only fifteen minuets away from our country home. We pulled up to the shelter and I could not believe my eyes. The sign on the door read CLOSED.
I did not turn to see the look on my Dad’s face. I knew it would have been a mistake after hearing his gruff sigh at the sight of the sign. At first I was afraid to smile, but after several moments I could not help myself. I kept glancing in the box all the while grinning from ear to ear. I could feel the tension from my Dad, but I did not care. They were mine. I knew he would not make that trip again. I just knew it.
The car pulled into the drive way and I saw my Mom in the front yard replanting some flowers. I ran out of the car, never letting go of the box, and exclaimed my joy of the shelter being closed. My Mom just stood up and chuckled as she looked at my Dad’s solemn face.

Mommy Do You...?

Mommy, Do You...?   by J. Hillard

Mommy, do you love my nose?

Yes, I love your nose. It is as cute as a button.

Mommy, do you love my fingers?

Yes, I love your fingers. They lace perfectly into mine.

Mommy, do you love toes?

Yes, I love your toes. They wiggle when you are happy.

Mommy, do you love my armpit?

Yes, I love your armpit. Your laughter rings when I give you a tickle.

Mommy, do you love both my armpits?

Yes, I love both armpits. I can see them when you fly like a superhero.

Mommy, do you love my belly?

Yes, I love your belly. It is the perfect place for a bezerpa.

Mommy, do you love my eyes?

Yes, I love your eyes. They twinkle when you smile.

Thanks Mom. Sigh.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Bazaar Thoughts

Bazaar question by Isaac.
Isaac asked me the other night, "Do you love my armpit?" Laughing I said, "Yes, I love your armpit." He then questioned if I loved both armpits. : ) Love his heart...who knows what brings such questions to his mind.
What are your favorite questions, thoughts, etc. by your children?


Recital - by J. Hillard

I remember the light’s glare off of the white keys.
What were they called?
I could not remember.
A, B, C.
Oh, which one is A?
My mind reeling and the back of my head burning from the stares.
Sweat forming on the palms of my hands.
Black splotches on my book.
What were they called?
Where do my fingers go?
How did I get myself into this?
My cheeks were burning.
A gentle, guiding voice.
Sigh, please help.
Warm hands on my own.
Gentle, guiding hands.
Feigned, uncomfortable, and relieved applause.
A dark room.
A chair in the corner.
My Dad’s smile.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Sauce - by J. Hillard

Red velvety tomato sauce.
Nana stands over the stove and stirs.
I stand on a stool and watch every move,
Inhaling the delicious aroma.
I hear meatballs sizzling in a nearby pot.
Mmmm, the garlic’s scent is invading my nose.
Soon they will meet the sauce on my plate.
Nana smiles down at me, knowing what I want.
A taste, just a tease before her meal is done.
She ladles sauce into a tiny bowl.
I reach for Aunt Martha’s homemade bread to use as my spoon.
A match made in heaven.
Red velvety tomato sauce.
Nana’s sauce.

Monday, February 6, 2012

How my babies spoil me....let me count the ways...

Before school today my 3 little monkeys gave me my birthday gifts from them...it is always a treat. Josh is wonderful...he lets them all come up with their own idea and does his best to fulfill their wish for a gift for Mommy. My day started with a gorilla on the front of a card that read "thinking of you" on the inside and was signed by my boys...including my biggest boy...Daddy. :-) Reecey was first to give me his gift, it was a 'spray box'  (Reece lingo for body spray) in one of my all-time favorite scents. Noah was next and asked me thoughtfully, "Do you like birds?". I had no idea what to expect, but it was a notebook (with a bird on the cover) for me to journal my writing germs. Finally, Isaac gave me a turtle hand puppet. Although I think he liked it a little too much and showed a little regret as he gave me my gift. I took it to work today and used it with my special education music classes, they loved "Turbo" as he was named by my fellas.
Original, thoughtful gifts and a morning full of memories. What more can a Mommy ask for?!?

Friday, February 3, 2012

Birthday Shopping.....Woohoo!

I am so excited to go shopping at the AT Loft tomorrow with my Mom. I have not been to the loft in about 2 years.....sigh! It used to be a weekly stop before children and Altoona. Although we will drive 45 minutes to get there it is SO worth the travel. No need to worry about winter weather either...my hydrangea bushes in the yard are staring to show buds. Jeesh, Punxutawney Phil are you sure you saw your shadow?!?!?! Anyway...."Happy Birthday shopping to me....Happy Birthday shopping to me....Happy Birthday shopping to meeeee....Happy shopping to me! " (Did you sing along?) :-)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Stubborn Attitude

Stubborn Attitude - by J. Hillard

Bless my oh so stubborn attitude
no matter how frustrated it makes others.

Bless the way it will not let me give up,
bouncing back is a necessity in life.

Bless the way it gives me courage,
my shoulders back and chin held high.

Bless the way it helps me parent,
not giving in to pouty faces.

Bless the way it helps me teach,
molding students into well mannered society.

Bless the way it allows me to stand my ground,
what is popular is not always correct.

Bless the way it makes others think of me,
good, bad, even indifferent.

Bless the way it humbles me when I am wrong,
teaching the teacher a lesson or two.

Bless the way it puffs me up when I am right,
sustaining confidence needed in a rough world.

Bless the way it helps me love,
empathizing others with an oh so stubborn attitude.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Credo - by J. Hillard

I believe home really is where the heart is.
Family is what makes that home, not the actual space.
I believe homes are those that are truly lived in,
not those that are dust free and made into shrines of one’s work.
I believe the outside is a place for everyone to play.
Smelling the flowers in the summer and the crisp air in the winter.
I believe the world needs to slow down,
taking more time each day to enjoy life.
I believe that smiles and laughter can make a huge difference,
but only when genuine.
I believe that love and faith, joy and happiness,
nothing more, nothing less are what the journey of life is really about.

As An Adult

As An Adult - by J. Hillard

I love my husbands warm embrace.
I love the sound of my children’s laughter.
I love being taken away to a new place while reading a book.

I hate fear and ignorance.
I hate feeling discouraged.
I hate society’s rules.

I dream about where I will be in the future.
I dream about long family vacations.
I dream about being the woman and mother my family adores.

I value life.
I value love.
I value relationships.

I believe there is a God.
I believe He loves like I cannot imagine.
I believe my loved ones are in heaven taking care of babies lost to me.

I know I am strong.
I know I am loved.
I know I am passionate.

My Dad has made a difference in my life, loving me unconditionally.
My Husband has made a difference in my life, loving me for who I am.
My children have made a difference in my life by just existing.

Birthday wishes!

Happy Birthday Leanna! We had a great time out last night. It was nice to get out with my handsome hubby and drink some white zin in the process all the while celebrating your birthday. You are darling! :-)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Date Night ... Woo hoo!!

Some one pinch me! I am going on a date with my husband tonight! Ideally we have always talked about going out at least once a month so that we do not forget what each other looks like. With kids and crazy schedules our ideal idea has yet to come to fruition. Thanks to Meme and Pap we will be off in about an hour to have dinner with Josh's brother, sister-in-law, cousin, and cousin-in-law. Actual adults with adult conversation. Jeesh, I hope I remember how to use my grown-up words...ooops vocabulary. There that was good practice.

Where do you go when you are lucky enough to be on a date?

Friday, January 27, 2012

Why are groceries SO expensive?

I just returned from yet another depressing trip to the grocery store. I am in weekly shock of the final cost when the cashier presents me with my bill. I am a huge coupon nerd and follow the weekly circulars like a hawk, yet I just can't seem to get ahead at the grocery store. I can't be alone...and although I am not a psychotic coupon-er like those on TLC...no one is waging a war on the grocery stores. Anyone wish to start one? If I were brave I may, but I am just little old me and only have the power to complain. :-/ Woe is my wallet! Thank you brand named foods and ridiculously priced produce for making my evening so splendid.

Oh snap! They closed the GAP!!!

I love to shop, but 1) do not have the funds to do so on a regular basis, and 2) am far to busy to have free time to spend shopping even if 'dough' was free flowing.  I say this because on an impromptu trip to the local mall in my town yesterday I saw that our GAP had closed and supposedly Old Navy is next. The world's economy is really taking its toll, this is not new news, yet I cannot deny my shock when I climbed the escalator on a mission to find Valentine's Day shirts for my boy's school parties and found a "We will miss you" sign where the GAP used to reside. Humph! I am afraid that soon there will be no mall in our town, or at least not one with shoppes that interest my tastes in clothing for my family or myself.

January 27, 2012

The coffee passes my lips and I sigh. It is Friday morning and I am sitting in a classroom, one of my four classrooms, getting ready for my students to come traipsing in. One grade, one class at a time. I have a headache that I would love to be rid of very soon. This ache has to be from the endless coughing that continues to escape my chest. Give me a break germs! I am tired of feeling lousy! I would like to have today come and go quickly. The work part of today, that is, not the after work time that I get to spend horsing around with my three rowdy little boys. The time I get to spend snuggling up to my husband as we catch up on our favorite TV shows waiting on our DVR. Ah, the weekend! Cartoons, Wii, reading, grocery shopping, a play date for the monkeys, cleaning, graduate work...hold on! I can see the weekend passing before my eyes already. At least I see it passing with my favorite boys by my side. :-)